Uniform Shop Open Thursdays 2 - 4pm.


The P&C at Valentine is a group of dedicated parents that assist in the organisation of the school. Through our fundraising committees we are able to provide resources and major purchases to benefit the children of our school. 

Please view our 2022 P&C Welcome Booklet


What is a P&C?

The VPS P&C is a group of parents and carers who volunteer their time to enhance the experience of all children attending Valentine Public School, through fundraising for items the school budget does not extend to and supporting teachers through liaising and communicating with the wider school community.

Becoming a P&C member

Becoming a P&C member does not mean that you have to take on a position on the executive committee. For a gold coin donation collected at the AGM in March you will have a voice in the direction of the school and voting rights for decisions ‘taken to the vote’ at meetings. You will also be covered by the P&C’s Insurance when performing P&C activities at fundraising & other events.

Meetings are held monthly during term at 7pm on the second Tuesday of the month. They take approximately 2 hours, depending on the business arising. At the AGM in March all positions will be declared vacant and nominations for these positions taken and filled. Also membership forms will be completed & monies collected for those people wishing to become members; however you can become a member at any meeting throughout the year.

How can you help?

Got a great idea for a fundraising event? Want to improve the facilities in and around the school? Help out with supervision at the disco? Coordinate the Mother’s Day Stall? Lobby Local Members for better safety around the school? Or apply for Government & Private grants offered to schools? There are many roles that you can play to support your child’s school. As Public School Funding is limited and spread across such large areas, Valentine Public School relies on the volunteer efforts of parents and the funds raised to offer our children the many opportunities, facilities and environments that make Valentine Public School such a great school.

Please Advise us of your email address if you wish to have the minutes emailed to you and be advised of upcoming events.

Find us on Facebook
Email us at: valentinepandc@gmail.com